Friday, November 18, 2011

Neutrinos were traveling faster than light!

Back in early OCtober, I blogged about the CERN experiment that found Neutrinos traveling faster than the speed of light. This result was met with plenty of skepticism, but now, literally posted today, the accuracy of the timing equipment used in the experiment was confirmed, ruing out a potential systematic error in the experiment.

I'm changing my capstone to devote all my energy to working on a flux capacitor to fully capitalize on the time travel implications of this neutrino experiment. And yes, I'm taking RoboPong with with me... to the future.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

dropbox on every HTC phone?

Now you're talking, dropbox preloaded on ky HTC EVO? Awesome. Dropbox will be integrated into HTC phones, which means now you can start to easily access your files & back ups on any of your devices. Icloud on your iPad keeps you limited to the Apple ecosystem; drobox is platform neutral, making it easy to find your documents. Makes up for dropbox not selling to Apple a few years back.

This is is a sign of the mobiile and web comouting arena becoming less platform specific and more open. Another sign, flash foldingadobe caving and moving towards html 5.

More on HTML 5:

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Robotic fitness - fitness for the future

What's a better emerging technology than robots? This is the 21st century; robotics is a growing field and is having a dramatic impact on our society. Automated process are replacing humans and eliminating jobs, not to mention making us lazy... unless the robot is training you for an Olympic sport!

The Robo-Pong 2050 uses digital technology to deliver computerized ping pong training (table tennis), which as Robo_pong will tell you, is a great workout. The Newgy company produces robotics that actually enhance personal fitness... it's like a robotic personal trainer launching ping pong balls at you with "deadly accuracy." The 2050 also hooks up to a PC, so you can customize your own oscillation, sequence, and launch rate for a training session and then share your drills with other players. You can even select back or front spin on shots! Amazing, the convergence of modern emerging technology and ping pong. We truly do live in the space-age... THE FUTURE IS NOW!